Upcoming Webinar: Moving Forward – Innovation in Active Transportation

Moving Forward: Innovation in Active Transportation
Date: September 12, 2019
Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET

From the Partnership for Active Transportation, this webinar brings together experts who will discuss building and community design to support walkers, bikers, and all types of movers. On this webinar, you’ll hear from the Co-Founder of CylingScore, a building certification program that emphasizes active transportation. You’ll also see case studies from communities around the country that are paving the way for greater mobility. Finally, you’ll learn about Streetsmart, an innovative tool that helps stakeholders understand the connection between interventions and impact.

The buildings and communities in which we live, learn, and work play an important role in the growing active transportation movement. Spaces and places that foster active transportation contribute to a variety of benefits from individual health to climate impact and economic vitality. Communities around the country are taking steps towards creating people-centric transportation networks that consider mobility for all people. In addition, there is a growing market and need for buildings to support active transportation. Innovative building design and programming complements community-scale interventions by providing necessary end-of-trip facilities and other amenities that support a culture of active commuting. Finally, as the evidence base for active transportation continues to grow, data and tools that help quantify the impact of certain interventions are becoming more accessible. Ultimately, these tools help stakeholders make a strong case for active transportation and tailor people-centered design approaches to the unique needs of the communities they serve.

For more information or to register, click here.
Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/#register/3949192180805572354