Upcoming Webinar: Rural Transit Planning in the Time of COVID and Beyond

Webinar: Rural Transit Planning in the Time of COVID and Beyond
Date: January 14, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET
Cost: Free
Organization: National Rural Transit Assistance Program
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our world and public transit is no exception. However, disasters also bring opportunity, and this webinar aims to help rural and tribal transit agencies make the most of this challenging time. Ken Hosen of KFH Group will walk participants through opportunities and planning efforts to undertake through three phases: 1) During the pandemic, 2) Recovery from the pandemic and 3) Post-pandemic.
The pandemic phase provides rural transit management/planners an excellent opportunity to plan and implement minor changes for the current time as well as the other two phases. Service is reduced now, resulting in more staff time for planning and for implementing these changes during and after COVID. Activities include: retiming/fine tuning fixed routes, revisions to demand response services, as well as a variety of other efforts in the name of efficiency and/or effectiveness.
At the same time, transit has been given a “clean slate.” Planning during the recovery and post-pandemic phases can include a variety of new opportunities to change and improve in the future. Will transit managers take advantage of the clean slate or will they go back to pre-pandemic service? Or perhaps a combination of both. Having a plan in place to guide you will increase your system’s chances of regain the confidence of the public.
This webinar will describe the planning that should take place for each of these phases, and will include some rural transit planning basics and best practices. Join us and consider the opportunities for the future, now.
For more information, click here.
Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fKeNXl4FSTyzmqfzPPC7bw


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