Upcoming Webinar: Taking Back the Streets – Prioritizing Transit Through City Partnerships

Taking Back the Streets: Prioritizing Transit Through City Partnerships
Date: March 11, 2020

Time: 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM ET

Worsening traffic has put a stranglehold on cities and the ability of people to move about freely and safely. Public transportation is the most space-efficient way to move people in a city-but buses can’t work if they’re stuck in traffic! It’s more important than ever that cities and transit agencies work together to make sure bus riders enjoy a fast, convenient commute. 

Strategies such as consolidated bus stops, flexible routes, bus-on-shoulder, traffic signal priority, tactical transit, road pricing and dedicated transit lanes have improved the speed and the overall experience of the bus ride. Big breakthroughs have occurred in New York, Toronto and San Francisco, where car-free transitways have been established in key travel corridors, providing benefits to bicyclists and pedestrians in addition to bus riders. Cities such as Minneapolis, Reno and Grand Rapids have designed streets to support more frequent, reliable and efficient bus service. 

City and transit officials will highlight new policies and practices to govern priority uses of streets, sidewalks and curb management. And it’s a prequel to the seminal event “Mobility on the Mainstage: Cities, Transit and the New Mobility” to be held May 20 in San Antonio.

For more information or to register, click here.
Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3618261174733023491


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