Tag: seniors

  • Use of Taxis in Public Transportation for People with Disabilities and Older Adults

    Citation: Transportation Research Board. (2016). TCRP Synthesis 119: Use of Taxis in Public Transportation for People with Disabilities and Older Adults. Link: https://www.nap.edu/catalog/24628/ Abstract: Taxis have been used as a cost effective way to provide trips to people with disabilities and seniors for years. This report explores how agencies are using taxis and the benefits…

  • The Illinois One-Click Transportation Resource Center Final Report

    Citation: Dirks, Lise, P. S. Sriraj, Joseph Irwin Harris, and Shreya Ghosh. “The Illinois One-Click Transportation Resource Center.” Urban Transportation Center, Chicago, IL. (2016). Link: https://utc.uic.edu/wp-content/uploads/One-Click-Final-Report__1_reduced.pdf  Abstract: The Illinois Department of Transportation was awarded a Veterans Transportation and Community Livability Initiative grant with the Urban Transportation Center at the University of Illinois as a sub-recipient. This…

  • Taxonomy and Terms for Stakeholders in Senior Mobility

    Citation: Transportation Research Board. TR Circular E-C211: Taxonomy and Terms for Stakeholders in Senior Mobility. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC (2016). Link: https://www.nap.edu/catalog/23666/taxonomy-and-terms-for-stakeholders-in-senior-mobility Abstract: This document provides a reference of current terminology that transportation professionals can use to communicate and promote best practices for senior mobility. It is important to convey…