Towards a Framework for Identifying and Measuring the Benefits of Accessibility

Federing, Daphne, and David Lewis. “Towards a Framework for Identifying and Measuring the Benefits of Accessibility.” International Transport Forum. (2017).


Report Abstract:
This paper has three goals: (1) to explain the motivation for articulating the benefits of accessibility; (2) to provide a narrative basis for articulating how accessibility affects economic and social life; and (3) to promote a framework for quantifying the benefits of accessibility. The authors find that in most nations, cost is perceived as a limiting factor on what public and private entities can be compelled to provide in relation to the accessibility of transportation, the built environment, employment, and services. This is so even in the context of constitutionally and legislatively enshrined human rights. The paper also finds that regulatory bodies deal comprehensively with cost but fail to value important categories of benefit.  The paper describes progress towards a comprehensive narrative and analytical framework for describing and measuring such benefits.