Making Access Happen: A Guide for Advocates and Planners

Rikert, Tom. Making Access Happen: A guide for advocates and planners. How to promote and plan access for disabled persons and elders to buses, trains, taxis and other modes of transport. Access Exchange International, San Francisco, CA. 


This guide focuses on promoting and planning accessible transportation systems worldwide and was produced as a follow-on to Mobility for All, a guide also produced by Access Exchange International. The purpose of this guide is to provide successful strategies for both advocacy groups and transportation planners to promote system improvements that enhance accessible transport.  The guide emphasizes the benefits that accrue to all users when operating procedures or design features are improved to enhance accessibility. The manual provides guidance on techniques for successfully promoting accessible transport. For example, well-timed promotion efforts (e.g. when new legislation is passed, new facilities are constructed, vehicle fleets expanded, or tourist events planned like the Olympic games) can increase the chance for success. Collaborations between different interest groups and the development of clear strategies and goals are also effective mechanisms. The guide adds case studies from around the world to showcase positive results. It concludes with a list of resources from around the globe.