Smartphone Applications to Influence Travel Choices: Practices and Policies

Shaheen, Susan, Adam Cohen, Ismail Zohdy, and Beaudry Kock. Smartphone applications to influence travel choices: practices and policies. No. FHWA-HOP-16-023. (2016).


Report Abstract:
The increasing availability of intelligent transportation systems, global positioning systems, wireless and cloud technologies in coordination with the growth of data sharing are causing people to turn to their smartphones to meet their mobility needs. Mobility consumers are using smartphone applications (apps) for a variety of transportation activities including vehicle navigation, real-time traffic data, information on transit and transit arrival, and information on road conditions including construction and incidents. This report provides an overview of current practices in smartphone applications and looks toward the future in the evolution and development of smartphone applications for the transportation sector. The report covers the following topics: an introduction and overview of smartphone applications; information on the background, evolution, and development of smartphone apps; a review of the types of smartphone applications promoting transportation efficiency and congestion reduction; discussion of transportation apps and their impacts on traveler behavior; examination of current challenges; and guiding principles for public agencies.


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