Upcoming Webinar: Transit Stigma & Social Equity – What Transportation Administrators Say They Are Doing About It

Webinar: Transit Stigma & Social Equity: What Transportation Administrators Say They Are Doing About It
Date: May 16, 2019

Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET

Services provided by public transportation agencies in the United States are crucial for personal mobility, maintaining and improving one’s quality of life, and participation in the broader society. Societal goods like education, healthcare, employment, and cultural and civic opportunities are made possible by transit provision and decisions made by agency administrators. Thus it can be argued that public transport is necessary for connecting individuals, specifically the poor, to resources necessary for improving their quality of life and for pursuing urban social justice.

But in many parts of the United States, including most mid-sized and small metropolitan areas, transit users are frequently stigmatized for lacking access to private automobiles. Many authors have documented transit’s perceived role as the transport option for the poor, marginalized, and powerless. Simply put, in many places, public transportation is the wrong transportation.

Drawn from interviews with transit agency administrators from across the United States, this research finds that such administrators are vividly aware of transit stigma, actively working to dismantle it, and examining cutting-edge and controversial options. This webinar will examine their approaches, reflect on their insights, and critically examine their approaches to ending or mitigating transit stigma in their service area. 

For more information or to register, click here. Link: https://www.cutr.usf.edu/2019/04/cutr-webcast-transit-stigma-social-equity/


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